FeaturedHealth Remedy



Herbs and Other Supplements helps and with what I see vitamins claim to improve health, but many cancer doctors (oncologists) say you should avoid most of them while you’re in treatment. It can cause some anticancer drugs to not work as well as they should. Antioxidant pills like vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium, and beta-carotene can interfere with how well chemotherapy and radiation work.

There are other options. Your doctor can tell you if these are safe — and smart — for you to take these:

Ginger can help you manage nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy. But it may also thin your blood, so don’t take any before surgery.

Zinc may help prevent taste changes, a side effect of radiation, chemotherapy, and some pain medicines.

Astragalus might ease the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting, if you have colorectal cancer. But it also stops some medicines from working like they should.

Glutamine could help reduce at least two side effects from treatment: peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, or pain in your hands and feet) and mouth sores and soreness. But we need more studies.

Ginseng, in high doses, was found in a Mayo Clinic-led study to reduce cancer-related fatigue.

Guarana: a natural stimulant found in a plant native to the Amazon basin, has also been found to help with chemotherapy-related fatigue, especially in breast cancer patients.


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